
25May 2014

007 resized 300 pixelsWell, well Slave D has set a very high standard in the stakes of Devotion!

Arranging flights to be able to attend a session to suit my diary deserves a mention and certainly left me feeling slightly smug.

So how are you going to beat that then?  Please bear in mind that I’m not easily impressed.

While I am on the subject of competition – here’s a challenge for you:

W was able to withstand the swinging of the pendulum for 20 minutes in a squatting position while strapped to the extended spreader bar and arms restrained behind him, oops nearly forgot there was a little bit of encouragement in the form of a riding crop gently tapping his scrotum.  Do you think you can do better?

Any takers?  No I thought not ~ in that case maybe W will go down in history as the best!

Ms Birch x